17-20 Jun 2025 Vogüé (Ardèche) (France)

Abstract submission

Abstract submission is not possible anymore.

The deadline for abstract submission was Friday 17th January 2025. The scientific committee will notify the acceptance of oral presentation after 10th february.

As usual for the Colloque Louis Néel, oral presentations will be given exclusively by young researchers (without a permanent position). Please apply for a poster presentation if you are not in this category.


Abstract preparation:

We ask you to prepare your abstract using the following LaTeX template:
CLN_2025_Abstract_template.zip, that you may also find and use directly on the (free) online Overleaf website (no LaTeX installation on your computer is thus required).
Your abstract must fit within the two A4 pages limit and we ask you not to modify the provided template.

The abstract can be writen either in French or English, as you wish.


Abstract submission procedure:

-First, you will need a personnal sciencesconf account and to log in.

-Second, you need to go to the "My submissions" page to provide various information (step 1: title and type of contribution; step 2: authors) and then submit your abstract as a pdf file (main file at step 3, it must be a pdf). Important: in the section "Supplementary data", upload a zip file named Surname_Name.zip including all the sources of your submission (i.e. the .tex file, the biblio.bib file for the bibliography and the figures, if any). It is mandatory to upload this .zip file. As explained in the template, you can download it directly from Overleaf. Verfiy that everyhting is OK on step 4 and validate your submission.

Beware, it will still be necessary to register to the conference, using the "My registration" page (before end of february 2025), even if you have submitted an abstract, before being able to proceed with the payment on the azur colloque website (two-step procedure).

For any question or technical issue: cln2025@sciencesconf.org

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